I would like to personally welcome you to St Vincent's Primary school.
The ongoing care of our students, families and staff is an integral part of the culture of our school. You will soon come to realise what a wonderful sense of community there is here at St Vincent's!
I am employed to support families by providing an effective communication link between home and school. There is an established and successful referral process here at St Vincent's and I can help you determine whom it is you need to contact in any given situation. Including pastoral support to students and their families, advice on help and support agencies and coordination of social events and community building activities.
I work closely with the leadership team, school counsellor, and our dedicated staff to provide support in cases of illness, family breakdown or other crisis and loss situations.
Another integral part of my role is to provide opportunities for families to feel connected. I coordinate the Parent Representatives for each Class/Year Level. Each year, parents nominate for the role and take on the task of creating opportunities for families to gather in friendship. Class Parent Representatives organise such events as coffee mornings, dinner dates and weekend gatherings in the park. These gatherings are communicated through invitations via various means including the school newsletter, email, and year level Facebook pages.
There are so many ways to become involved in the life of our school and I would encourage you to do so.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Mrs Colleen Tootell
Community Support

The Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations has contributed funding to the chaplaincy/student welfare services throughout the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School (2023)